This is a Journal entry by Juliet

What did the DMV do with my driver's licence?

Post 1


It is a plastic card with my picture. It has my birthdate, my adress, my identetity, if you will. Unfortunately it was slated to expire in a week, and was also a California Driver's licence. A few months ago I moved to Massachusetts. I hate most things to do with this state and refused to switch to a Mass licence. I don't drive anyway, but you have to have a valid drivers licence to buy alcohol and cigaretts. So you have to drive to get drunk. Ironic? I think so. Anyway, I am leaving this reched state, driving across country with my boyfriend, and starting a new life in Seattle Washington. To do this I must have a valid driver's licence. With much regret I walked to the local Registry of Motor Vehicles and applied to get a Mass licence, paid an astronimical fee of $68 for a licence I will use only to drive away from here, and had to give up my precious California licence.
This licence meant something to me. I was convinced i would fail the behind the wheel test. I was a sixteen-year-old and so desperate to drive. My family convinced me I would fail, being the supporting loved ones that they are. When I passed on the first try I nearly p****d myself with excitement. I had shown them wrong. I could do what they all said I couldn't do. I was so proud of my licence. The state of California said I could drive. It was the ID that I slapped down on the counter at a 7-11 to buy cigarettes at 12:01 am on my 18th birthday, so excited that I could finally buy the Camel Lights i had already been smoking for years. I carried it with me always, it was my friend. And the RMV made me give it up.
I should have fought it, should have said "wait. now i have no id. Just void it. I love that licence, I just want to keep it." but i stupidly let it go.
Now I wait for my new ID to come in the mail. The boring brown and white coloring marking me as a Masshole, the small plastic rectangle that i paid through the nose for and will hardly use.
I began to wonder, what does the RMV do with those confiscated licences'? My identity is on there. Do they throw them away? The guy at the counter added mine to a stack of identities confiscated. I saw a Virginia and New Jersey, but where do they go?
Are they stolen and sold to minors desperate to buy alcohol. Are identities stolen, credit cards ordered? Where did my precious licence that I earned go? This won't haunt me for forever, but right now I can't get the question out of my mind. What did the RMV do with my licence? And I want more than anything to have it back, wish i hadn't been so naive. But alas I will just have to wonder if my now expired licence is still floating around somewhere, lost, and unloved...

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What did the DMV do with my driver's licence?

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