This is a Journal entry by IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system
The final bend.
IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system Started conversation Mar 23, 2004
So, yeah, I'm about to graduate, or something! Unless, of course, I don't...
I have 5 weeks of holidays right now, after which there's a couple of weeks of revision classes and stuff, and then the Final Exams. Oh, and I'm supposed to have some kind of massive Project Report to hand in at some point, too...
It looks like my graduation might end up on the same day as the Summer Meet, which is just , cos I haven't been to one of them things in ages, and was really hoping I'd be able to this time.
And suddenly everyone 'cept me seems to be having upturns in their lives - which I'm really glad of; it's always good to see people I care about being happy. But I do feel rather lonely at times
- especially since I'm rather lacking in personal contact at the moment, what with my housemate spending a week in New York (more
) and all my friends disappearing home the minute the holidays began.
But hey, hey. , "You're Never Alone". My housemate should get back tomorrow, so maybe things will look up a bit.
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