This is a Journal entry by IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system
Here we go again...
IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system Started conversation Mar 14, 2003
This house is so ridiculous!
We completely failed to get enough money into the joint account for this month's rent (or rather, a couple of people failed to get it in 2 months in a row, and were saved the first time because a couple of us paid in 2 months at once...). So the standing order didn't come out; none of us got round to telling the landlord (who only lives next door, for
s sake!) this for about a week. He then [demanded] that we give him as much as possible *in cash* - and we're not talking
here, but we weren't exactly in a strong bargaining position.
Well, we got as much cash as was in the account, and then waited for one of my house-mates (who's lost his chequebook and has to get cash anyway! ) to get a further wad. However, we didn't really see each other much yesterday, so this took a couple of days. This lunch-time, one of my housemates and I decided we ought to get it organised. We woke up[!] the one who'd got the joint cash, who said it was still in his coat pocket, and decided to as-it-were loan the rest so that we didn't have to wait for the chequebook-less one, who had about a million things to do today and wasn't entirely happy about it
. However, at this point my housemate discovered that he'd lost his wallets. He looked everywhere, including in rooms of people who weren't up at the time he got back yesterday afternoon[!] and various places on campus, before giving up and cancelling the cards.
I, meanwhile, was supposedly writing up the piece of coursework which I'd spent a whole night finishing only to be very disappointed with it at the time of demonstrating. Despite having slept from 6PM through to 11AM, I still felt completely dead
- although this was improved by a
in the fresh air. I am, however, still working on it, and it's now well gone 2AM.
So, in short, the house is a tip, we're all hopeless, we're all running on such completely different timezones that we never actually see each other, and it's the end of term tomorrow. This may sound like a good thing, but all it actually means is only two weeks until our second-year exams start...
Ah, well, you have to , I guess!
Oh, and my housemate found his wallets, as he was going to bed - on his bedroom windowsill!
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Here we go again...
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