This is a Journal entry by Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and
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myk Posted Dec 16, 2012
In the old days, when everything on t he net, nwhen you wanted to say something that you didn't want everyone to hear (or just plain profanity) they uses a code called 'rot13' which is just every letter of the alphabet moved 13 places along, and this is toggled on and off by the cypher. Eveyone knew the code so it was not so secret but it meant you didn't have to read it if you didn'y want to:
Uses for rot13 (even on hootoo )
not revealing spoilers for books and films
having a private (well almost) convo on a thread
cover up profanity, although this would - on h2g2 - still probably break house rules - because the code is known to everyone
and many other uses probably
jbhyq or unaql Cebs!
Srpx, obt, pnec, puhqqvrf!!!!
Jubqhaavg? Gurl nyy qvq!!! cut n paste
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myk Posted Dec 16, 2012
Here is an entrythat mentions cypher and rot13
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myk Posted Dec 16, 2012
h2g2 does funny things to the formatting of plain text.
Three suggestions:
1. Allow use of unformatted 'plan' text ( no smiley icons or guideml)
2. Have ability to do ROT13 (would be great for spoilers etc)
3. Enable use of unicode (tougher maybe but must-have for internationalization)
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