This is a Journal entry by aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

Critical Mass

Post 1

aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

Christmas eve - I went to church for the old sit stand sit stand sit stand sit stand kneel stand shake kneel walk kneel sit stand slow-impact aerobics routine. It occurred to me that for all the hundreds of years some of them have been around, Christmas carols are not very polished. The rhythm is all off - some unstressed syllables are ludicrously elongated while others are omitted. Even seasoned churchgoers hesitate at some lines, wondering just how to fit the words into the tune. As some words are replaced by more modern versions the rhythm is screwed up even more, and the difficulty is made worse by the fact that different churches offer slightly different modernisations to fit into the same tune. And for more linguistic gymnastics, some songs which had perfectly good tunes of their own are squished into tunes from other songs. Madness!

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