This is a Journal entry by aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

My best birthday yet

Post 1

aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

I just had my 21st birthday party, and there were so many people, including friends and relatives I hadn't seen for ages, and so many great presents, and so much food... It was insanely great. The most obvious present to me at the moment, as I type this in Omniweb, whose spell checker is telling me that Omniweb is not a word, is Mac OS X! This is amazing, I was expecting to be using Mac OS 8.1 for another year or so, and suddenly here I am in June 2001 with an iBook running Mac OS X. I love it! Other Apple-related gifts included a bag of Mackintosh's toffees and a custom-made Apple logo necklace. I also have a larger selection of warm clothes (great since it's been hovering around 12 degrees Celsius lately) a mirror, another necklace, and loads of other nice surprises. I won't list them all or you'll get jealous... although you're probably already jealous because I have Mac OS X. The only problem is I'm meant to be doing assignments but I keep playing with things instead. And on that note, I'll put my lovely iBook to sleep so it doesn't distract me, and read about post-Renaissance mathematics.

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