This is a Journal entry by Something Witty

Dungeons and Dragons

Post 1

Something Witty

Welcome one and all to the Dungeons and Dragons quest. This is an ongoing quest, so make it up as you wish.

Act One Scene One

Post 2

Something Witty

In a bar, you find a mysterious old man. He invites you to his table. . .

Act One Scene One

Post 3

Jimi X

Hello, old man...

Act One Scene One

Post 4

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

*trailing JimX*

Act One Scene One

Post 5

Something Witty

Hello. I am the riddle master. If you can answer my riddle you will win a chance to fight me. What a prize, huh? Well, here is the riddle: An archiologist was digging. He found two dead bodies. They were completely naked, yet he knew right away that they were Adam and Eve. How? You each get one guess.

Act One Scene One

Post 6


They didn't have belly buttons because they weren't physically born?
like the cloak by the way, I saw one like it in Camden market for 120 quid.

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