Hitch a Hike with The Menace

Alright, this goes out to all the crazy Americans who got me over yet another birthday ... just with a little more fun than others I've had. (that's YOU!:)

Although I can't find the words to describe the way I feel - I
doubt if there even ARE words existing to do so - I didn't just want this to slip by, unnoticed by the world and forgotten. I've lived 22 years so far and people are coughing "old fart” when I pass them on the street, but nothing like Wednesday ever happened to me. (how can Wednesday happen?? ... but let's not linger here too long...) So here you go with something creative I've written in one of my most boring University lectures ... bear with me and give your imagination a chance

"the captain likes to welcome you aboard please fasten your seatbelt and stop smoking when the sign comes on we wish you a pleasant journey

i try to be a little creative here although i'm sitting in macroeconomics class which is quite boring but i don't have anyone to talk to and try to look busy writing way back near the last row of this room so i won't be asked stupid questions everybody basically knows the answer to unlike most of our time on earth when we have no clue what we're doing but at least it's going to be a nice day outside summer with all its force and an unreached high with the
sun blazing out of a hazy sky that shows stars at night stars i watch through the roof window from where i lay awake night after night although i'm tired and worn out but it's just my body whereas my heart and soul dream with you and go to places not heard of by human ears just give me your hand and i'll lead you shedding fear like a cat sheds hair or a dog for that matter with our heads above the clouds and both feet planted in the earth where the bumble bees are busily buzzing unaware of the possibilities the future holds a
future shaped by the past in which we live every moment of our lifes where seconds run like sand through the clumsy fingers of that kid over there building its castle on the long and white beach the horizon open wide and expanding into infinity upon the deep blue sea and hopefully i'll spot a sail far off a ship coming to rescue me off this island where i spent minutes and hours and days and months looking for an answer like a bolt of lightning it enters my head climbs my tongue and jumps from my lips while the professor
moves to the next topic it fills me with its clarity and i know that i'm not doomed although i feel a wee bit weird at the fact that this text was inspired by the back of the shirt the guy right in frot of me wears maybe you'll find a way to continue this journey just let your thoughts run their own course glad you could come along and hope you'll join me again in a time not yet seen..."

Hope you enjoyed this little round-trip (I did!)
Have a day!

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The Menace

Researcher U99957


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