This is the Message Centre for Researcher 99947


Post 101

Archangel Zax


sure, uh huh...

ok, bruce spork and fc you all three need to email the [email protected] so you can recieve the link to the newest of new angel thingiemabobs... and trust me, you want to be part of this... it's HUGE!

oh, and make sure that you include your h2g2 name so you're recognized, 'k?

smiley - smiley

*smiles mysteriously and wanders back out*


Post 102

Archangel Zax

*wanders back in briefly*

the best cheatsheet for html babies. a really good way to get your feet wet.
(they also have some other REALLY useful color charts and glyph cheatsheets, check it out.)

*wanders off yet again, secure in the knowledge of a job well done... even if unsolicited!*


Post 103


>Come towards the light

Is that like a recommendation for Alabaster Sporky?smiley - winkeye



Post 104

Researcher 99947

Stop your corrupting ways, Darth Brucy smiley - winkeye Are you in cahouts with Shim smiley - tongueout

Erm.................................. why the email?


Post 105

Archangel Zax

alabastard: boo-hiss!!

actually, don't need yours, spork.. have it from the marvin.
smiley - smiley
can't tell just yet what it's for- just have faith and trust in GOD... hehehe... it's a good thing, really. it's gonna be A LOT of fun!


Post 106


My price for cahooting would be a blue fish style of dealy thing in the forums smiley - winkeye



Post 107

Fashion Cat

Turn to the light huh? Well, be prepared for many stupid, totally pointless and probably very childish questions about html then!! smiley - smiley


Post 108

Fashion Cat

hmm.. first one already... told you it wouldnt take long!!!

1. picture.... ive put this line in...

but all I get is a silly square with some shapes in. why???

I'll get back to you all (including you Zax!) with some more soon, I promise!!! smiley - winkeye


Post 109


Since I'm *GuideML* Guru I couldn't possibly mention the possibility that your page contained
rather than smiley - winkeye



Post 110

Fashion Cat

b*****y b*****y b*****y b******.... that would be the one would it Bruce....

hmmm... now I got a pic, but its not going in the middle.... (dont shout too loudly....) smiley - smiley

aaargh! I knew I'd be a pain when I started messing around..... Why did I think about trying to be clever..... smiley - smiley


Post 111

Archangel Zax

Hey FC and all... just thought i'd suggest that before you fill up spork's thread, you move this conversation over to the Heavenly HTML Helpline- it was formed just for saints with programming questions! click here for the express train!


Post 112

Researcher 99947

You could always do a ... should solve yer problemo


Post 113

Fashion Cat

Thank you soooooo much!!!! smiley - bigeyes

hehe... sorry Zax, didn't know it was there.... ta!

smiley - bigeyes WOW!!!!


Post 114

Researcher 99947

not a problem


Post 115

canadian girl(resigned)


Post 116

canadian girl(resigned)

i'm sorry, i don't have any idea how that post got there. i'll just go now.


Post 117

Researcher 99947

okie dokey smiley - winkeye


Post 118

Fashion Cat

smiley - tongueout

Sorry, just felt like saying Hi!!!! *flies off, wondering what people must think of her....* smiley - bigeyes


Post 119

Archangel Zax

only that you're a nut, dear!


Post 120

Fashion Cat

in the nicest possible way though I hope Zax! smiley - smiley

at least I've managed to convey my nuroses onto the net!

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