It has been a busy week in the Holme Valley

WELCOME, Traveller ... To the new home of the Epilogues, turfed off the Archers' message board by the arbitrary, irrational and unfair decision of the BBC.

I hope you will enjoy reading about our weekly doings, both in the green and rolling Pennine hills that enclose the Holme Valley, west of Huddersfield, and elsewhere.

For new readers, here is a brief list of "dramatis personae". All of these people assure me that they are real, even the four-legged ones.

Tiggy (Tig): A dog
Freddie: another, smaller, dog
Lucy: a fairly old, ginger dog who looks a bit like a sheep in a bad light
Russell (Russ the Puss, Russbags, The Baggis Cat): a cat (short hair/black & white)
Nigel: another cat, ginger this time
Dusty: a cat (large, fat, tortoiseshell, looks a bit like a Davy Crockett hat)
Kitty: a cat (short hair/black and white, not to be confused with Russell but frequently is bespite being a different sex)
Debbie: a wife
Jonathan: a brother-in-law
Matthew: another of the same
Granny: a granny
Gez: an author
Chris: another author
Phil: a publisher and van-driver in equal measures
God: a would-be supreme being

Others are generally explained as they crop up.

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Welcome to the Holme Valley Oct 22, 2004


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Slightly-Foxed of that Elk (rational or irrational) Laird of Phelps (one foot over) and Keeper of the Privy Seal

Researcher U995234


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