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SF's NaJoPoMo 29th November 2013
Superfrenchie Started conversation Nov 29, 2013
a Ooh, 30th November is tomorrow!
b I'm going on a day trip to Canterbury on 30th November!
So a + b =
I'm going to Canterbury tomorrow!! *jumps up and down in excitement*
It's organised by local teachers of English and parents of pupils.
Free time in the morning, and panto (Jack and the Beanstalk) at 2:30. I've never been to a panto. It'll be interesting.
They do this every year, as well as second one (in the Spring, I think, but that one has no activities planned, just a plain free-time trip).
I went to the other one a few years back, but it's the first time I've been to this one.
Right, so... What do I need...
ID card :
foreign money :
credit card to get some more foreign money because £9.71 might not be enough for a day :
inflatable pillow for sleeping on the bus :
big warm scarf for sleeping on the bus :
biscuits for eating on the bus when not sleeping :
alarm clock set for 4:30am :
list of charity shops in the city centre :
umbrella (because if you have one, then it won't rain) :
map to the departure point :
(well, I don't *actually* have a map for this, but I've asked Google, and it's really easy to get to, so I'll be fine)
Ok, well, it's 6:30ish, and I'm pretty much ready to go to bed.
If I do manage tomorrow's posting, it'll be from the bus. I can tell you all about the travel-sick kids and the ID card-less parents. I bet you're looking forward to that!
SF's NaJoPoMo 29th November 2013
pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like? Posted Nov 29, 2013
Yes indeedy, enjoy. Have fun with the locals, pretending you don't speak English and getting them to speak French. It's my neighbours favourite sport.
SF's NaJoPoMo 29th November 2013
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 30, 2013
[Amy P]
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SF's NaJoPoMo 29th November 2013
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