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SQ: 31 May, 2016
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 13, 2016
Thank you
Yes, I see I have two more Entries in Peer Review so I'm on target for the 50 already
I have ideas for other Entries too so I will enjoy writing more
SQ: 31 May, 2016
SashaQ - happysad Posted Oct 26, 2016
'The Road to El Dorado' A87879488 is my 50th Edited Entry which is very apt and poignant as Miguel and Chief Tannabok remind me of me and my darling
SQ: 31 May, 2017
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 31, 2017
Today is my darling's birthday
Happysad is the word to describe the day However, it has been a good day and a good year. To celebrate, I have:
Knitted another tiny bunny which I will pet in honour of my darling snuggle bunny A591310 this evening and which I made into a keyring so I can carry it with me every day
Made a bead and tied it with a ribbon on to my bag of mementos
Done some art - using watercolour pencils I drew a picture of our toothbrushes entitled 'Companionship', and using watercolour paints I have made an abstract picture inspired by my darling's favourite dress, that I am lucky to have and which still has her perfume in it
Sub-edited a total of 124 Entries, which means I did 24 subbings this year. Not bad, as I also do Scouting, Editing, Curating and Comms too
Written a total of 60 Edited Entries which means I am now on the Pliny Solo list as well as Page 1 of Ripley <./>solo</.>
I'm also going to:
Make the pasta recipe A87874861 that my darling would be proud of me for for the birthday dinner
Eat a chocolate Easter Bunny for dessert
SQ: 31 May, 2017
Superfrenchie Posted May 31, 2017
By the way, I'm in the middle of reading your NaNo book. I'm really enjoying it. I actually just started the second part today, so it seemed appropriate to tell you now.
SQ: 31 May, 2017
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 31, 2018
Today is my darling's birthday
Happysad is again the word for the day especially as my darling has been gone for longer than I knew her in person
It doesn't feel like it, though, because we were together for a kind of forever
and her ways are always with me...
It has again been a good year, though, as I have done things my darling would be proud of me for, in particular working hard to get a better job just as she once did
It has been a good day today as well. To celebrate, I have:
Bought a bouquet of roses
1.25 dozen red roses for my darling
Made a video, such as it is I learned that the note b is exactly between my lower and upper singing registers, which is fascinating, but the shaky sound is apt enough under the circumstances so I share it with you all anyway
Done some art, making another abstract picture inspired by my darling's dress which still has her perfume in it
Knitted another tiny bunny, which I will tie on to my bag of mementos with a ribbon
Sub-edited an Entry so I have again subbed 24 Entries this year
Submitted a new Entry to Peer Review
Had an Entry picked from Peer Review to make its way into the Edited Guide - unusual for a Thursday, so a very pleasant surprise
It will be my 80th Edited Entry
I have eaten some Doughballs, which were one of my darling's favourite starters, and next I will have Duck Pancakes with Cucumber, Spring Onion and Hoisin Sauce prepared just the way my darling taught me so that they become neat rolls that are tasty to eat I will then have two mini chocolate eclairs for dessert
(I'll finish my Easter Egg on another day...)
SQ: 31 May, 2018
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jun 16, 2018
Thank you
I forgot to mention I also wrote an Entry for
on 31 May A87911418
and today I took photos of the rose that shares my darling's name and made an Entry out of them for <./>thepost</.>
SQ: 31 May, 2019
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 31, 2019
Today is my darling's birthday
Another happysad day, as I enjoyed extra thinking of happy memories but I still feel her absence, which made me feel extra sad too...
On days like this it reminds me even more than usual that her ways are always with me so we're OK
It has been another good year of doing things that my darling would be proud of me for. Christmas was extra difficult this year, for some unknown reason, but friends and family saw me through the tougher times. My job continues to go well and it is an honour that I have been doing tasks that my darling did in the same cycle seven years ago, so we both make a difference And I have enjoyed getting out and about with her family and friends and my family and friends and doing things like learning about birds and networking with people A87938194
I have had a good day so far today as well.
I bought a tiny silver flower and tied it to my bag of mementos with a ribbon
My rose that shares its name with my darling flowered today so I took photos
I was awarded the 100 Edited Entries Badge
One of my Entries A87932451 is on the Front Page today
One of my Entries A87939472 has been Picked from Peer Review today
I have done some art, again inspired by my darling's dress that still has her perfume in it
I have crocheted a jellyfish-shaped comforter for a premature baby
I have written an Entry about birdspotting for
and it will appear in mid-June
I've lost count of how many Entries I've subbed in total - the official number in h2g2 says 164, but I reckon it's closer to 172.
I had doughballs for lunch and mini cinnamon rolls with an for afternoon snack and now I will make fajitas and wrap the tortillas the way my darling taught me so they become neat rolls that will be tasty to eat
SQ: 31 May, 2020
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jun 1, 2020
Today is my darling’s birthday
The rose that shares my darling’s name has been flowering well, so I took a photo of it
I made a donation to charity on my darling’s behalf
Unfortunately h2g2 was not working today until now so I wasn’t able to add to my totals, but I am pleased to have seen that I have Sub-edited 195 Entries in total
I learned that I have written 121 solo Entries in total and have 4 Entries currently in the Editorial Process so I am on track to receive the 125 Solo Entries Badge this year
One of my Entries is on the Front Page
I crocheted a heart for my memory box
and started making a blanket for charity
I exchanged messages with friends, as we are all thinking of each other
I hugged my darling’s dress
and did another painting inspired by the fabric
A happysad day, but as lovely as possible - full of love
SQ: 31 May, 2020
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 31, 2023
Today is what would have been my darling’s 60th birthday
For D's 50th birthday, she had a party in a fine dining restaurant in London. The restaurant closed down because of COVID, and the people who were at the party weren't able to gather this year, so I went out for lunch with my mum to a local hotel instead. It was an unusual occasion, as we were the only people in the restaurant, but there was a wedding taking place in the garden. Some of the guests joined us at our table for a few minutes, but they were complimentary so it was pleasant enough, although unexpected! The food was nowhere near as good as in the fine dining restaurant, but I enjoyed the meal overall, and we weren't rushed by the staff (indeed we nearly couldn't pay for the meal, as the staff forgot we were there when the wedding reception started!).
The rose that shares my darling’s name has been flowering well, so I took a photo of it
I made a donation to charity on my darling’s behalf
I made good progress with restoring Entries, following the cyber incident that wiped out 2021 and 2022 from h2g2, thanks to Gnomon finding them in the Wayback Machine.
I finished crocheting a jellyfish for the Octopus for a Preemie charity
I hugged my darling’s dress
In 2022 her perfume wasn't in it, but the perfume came back again this year
I also added to my memory box a ring I made at a jewellery workshop earlier this year.
I did another painting inspired by the fabric of my darling's dress
I ate doughballs (one of D's favourite starters) and watched Masterchef (one of D's favourite television programmes)
A happysad day, but as lovely as possible - looking at the photo of D wearing her dress at her party still takes my breath away
SQ: 31 May, 2020
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 31, 2024
This year is the 10th of my darling's birthdays without her
The rose that shares my darling's name bloomed a few days ago
I made a donation to charity on my darling's behalf
I sent a photo in to <./>thepost</.>
I didn't do any crochet because I'm in octoquarantine with laryngitis but I did do some tidying up and other odd jobs
I went out to a cafe and had some 'birthday' cake
and tea
I made a trinket out of knotted cord and added it to my memory box
I hugged my darling's dress and her perfume was in it
I made another painting inspired by the fabric of my darling's dress
Another happysad day, but lovely
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SQ: 31 May, 2016
- 21: SashaQ - happysad (Sep 13, 2016)
- 22: SashaQ - happysad (Oct 26, 2016)
- 23: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 27, 2016)
- 24: Bluebottle (Oct 27, 2016)
- 25: SashaQ - happysad (May 31, 2017)
- 26: Superfrenchie (May 31, 2017)
- 27: SashaQ - happysad (Jun 1, 2017)
- 28: Superfrenchie (Jun 2, 2017)
- 29: SashaQ - happysad (May 31, 2018)
- 30: Bluebottle (Jun 2, 2018)
- 31: SashaQ - happysad (Jun 16, 2018)
- 32: SashaQ - happysad (May 31, 2019)
- 33: SashaQ - happysad (Jun 1, 2020)
- 34: SashaQ - happysad (May 31, 2023)
- 35: Bluebottle (Jun 1, 2023)
- 36: SashaQ - happysad (May 31, 2024)
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