Journal Entries

Brief Musical Interlude

oh I'm no-one's wife but,
Woh, I love my life and
All That Jazz!!

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 1999


I keep forgeting that I am of course a star, and the workshop went very well. I hope they got some games or ideas from it that they can take away, I've been doing this drama lark nearly all my life, not that that makes me any good, I certainly have a huge repatoire of daft games. Ally McBeal's on the telly tonight, thank heaven for little pleasures!!

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 1999


Well I survived, but only because i've got a lovely Norwegian Bloke that spoils me, so had a weekend of junk food and Videos instead and you can't say fairer than that. No school today, I'm holding a class tomorrow, surrounded by trained teachers, but I shant be nervous in the slightest, oh no. Ahem. So wish me luck guys and gals!! Love to all

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Latest reply: Nov 22, 1999


Sob, how am I going to last all weekend without access?? I'm not in a huff with any one, and will be back to take my seat in the computer lab monday, and until then me and my aching hips (Dance Class again) will take ourselves off into the real world... I'm scared... anybody?? Love to all

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 1999


Funny, I'm feeling almost cheerful today

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 1999

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