Journal Entries

I Drank my Morning Mountain Dew too FAST!!!

AHHH!!! The pain... never drink pop early in the morning with a great deal of speed.. not the drug speed... the time speed... DOH...!!!

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 1999

Middle of the Day Dreaming

There's something odd yet pleasant about taking a nap on the grassy little park across from the church that wouldn't let you play their piano anymore after a good half dozen(or more) wonderful little rehearsals brim with reverence. Some people pray in words. Some people murmur and pretend to pray. Some people pray only when they need things. I don't. I don't pray. I have conversations. Usually they involve tears;more often than not, they involve the darkness of my room in the mddle of the night or are translated into notes and chords on a six string or the 88's.... today, having been banned from playing the church's piano(without anyone in charge ever hearing me preform, the--I dare not say--!!!!!!!), I decided to take a nap on the lawn across the street on my school's campus. It was nice-- quite nice... quite different from the tame dreams I had last night...

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 1999

"Abbey Road", John Lennon, My Stinky Geology Class, and Poopy Poopy RTD bus drivers!!!!

OHMYGOD!!!! Grrrr.... I could go for blood... there are some things that I can get EXTREMELY passionate about!!! Ok... as established in my first journal entry, I LIVE for MUSIC... I would gladly die for it, too-- ::stares at the sky, waiting for a guitar to strike her like lightning through the heart, or a piano to land on her:: I consider today's pop culture CRAP anything BUT music... It's a painful, slow death for a girl who took music lessons throughout her life... Alas-- I digress!!!! I LIVE FOR/LOVE the BEATLES. I am reading Ray Coleman's biography on Lennon right now... Today I felt quite down-- here I am, knowing about what I consider fantastic music... making what I hope to be adequate music... yet still, I have not the guts to share it with others........ oh, poo on me... waste my talents!?? or ::laughs:: discover I have none in the realm of musical creativity-- and depend on teaching the oboe and pursuing my English Magor!?? ....oh yes. That reminds me. I can't deal with stinky Geology anymore. First of all, it stinks. Secondly, learning about rocks won't help my writing career. Thirdly, I am trying to rebel against the general education requirements that I feel restrict my personal liberties that are rightfully mine due to my American citizenship. Fourthly, if I ignore my problems, perhaps they will go away. Fifthly, if I ignore my problems, perhaps I can convince myself everything is all right. Sixthly, I am fairly confidant I am going to buy another guitar. Seventhly, the RTD bus driver wants me to pay a 75 cent fare when public transportation is FREE with my student ID. Eigthly, one of my classmates in my essay class does not know the meaning of the words "conformist" and "bigot". Ninthly, I am learning more from my individual reading and writing that I am from my Logic and Geology classes. Tenthly, my brother just stormed in here, scaring the heebejeebees out of me, and I must go eat my dinner.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 1999


OHMYGOODNESS!! There are certain highs in life... some of mine(few, I admit sadly) could be considered X-RATED!!! And so, to the happiness of my more or less conservative parents, most of my highs have been quite simple. My major highs(in the PG-rated area of my life) have involved music or the written word, usually... SO... combine those two joys, creating a PURDY PURDY magazine with NICE GLOSSY pages and Slobber-worthy pictures of guitars... and I have found a definate intoxicant!!! ...It's a lovely, "harmless", consistant stimulant...I never need a bigger hit!!! Of course.... ha ha ha... sometimes... I have to sustain the urge to PURCHASE one of those beautiful axes... hmmmm... some girls, I guess, go for make-up and hair salons, or pretty accessories for the hair, ears, nails... BLAH!!! Some girls go for formal dresses or fancy bouquets, and find themselves at the mercy of a quest for the right pair of shoes!!! BLAH AGAIN(ok.. I admit obsession with my oxfords... but I love them... they are cute and reliable... and hell, they last a long time before falling apart(five years))!!! All I want to feed my thirst for aesthetics is a nice little six string...

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 1999


OHMYGOODNESS!! There are certain highs in life... some of mine(few, I admit sadly) could be considered X-RATED!!! And so, to the happiness of my more or less conservative parents, most of my highs have been quite simple. My major highs(in the PG-rated area of my life) have involved music or the writeen word, usually... SO... combine those two joys, creating a PURDY PURDY magazine with NICE GLOSSY pages and Slobber-worthy pictures of guitars... and I have found a definate intoxicant!!! ...It's a lovely, "harmless", consistant stimulant...I never need a bigger hit!!! Oh course.... ha ha ha... sometimes... I have to sustain the urge to PURCHASE one of those beautiful axes... hmmmm... some girls, I guess, go for make-up and hair salons, or pretty accessories for the hair, ears, nails... BLAH!!! Some girls for formal dresses or fancy bouquets, and find themselves at the mercy of a quest for the right pair of shoes!!! BLAH AGAIN(ok.. I admit obsession with my oxfords... but I love them... they are cute and reliable... and hell, they last a long time before falling apart(five years))!!! All I want to feed my thirst for aesthetics is a nice little six string...

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 1999

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