Journal Entries

Obligatory Journal Entry

My mind's really not here...

But I had best add an entry just for the sake of saving face, keeping up appearances... blah...

and ::sigh::

School starts up again on the 18th of January.... blah de blah blah...

I was doing very well with writing my book... now I find myself goofing off online... that's it!!! I am signing off... in a very little bit... smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2000


Tomorrow I go to a DENVER BRONCOS game!!! Turns out that the older brother and father of my Susan will be there too.... you think we might see each other!??? Hahahhahaa.... no chance.... smiley - smiley

Ah, but I will be going with MY older brother and my daddy!!!


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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2000


What have you done since Christmas!??....well, I errr... worked... ick!!!

But 'twas a GREAT Christmas, with dancing and laughter and most of all, music!!!

::sniffles:: the soundtrack of my lovely life gets longer...

This year we recorded some of our memories in the making... with a new camcorder. The last time we recorded our family partying was... at my graduation party in May of 1998... and that camera was abused in a particular car accident on 4/16/99... SOOOO.... smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 28, 1999


Hoorah!! Hooray!!! Tis COOKIE DAY!!!... we'll be baking Christmas cookies...

And I am as sick as a dog..... ok, doing better than yesterday.... and promising to improve. I just want my well-earned vacation from work. HA!!! Like THAT would ever happen.... can we EVER keep employees!???

Is my job really that difficult and stressful!???

Or... so tideous and mundane!??


smiley - smiley

I got off track.. oopsies...

What was I saying!??

Ah, yes... COOKIES!!!

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Latest reply: Dec 21, 1999

Cheeseballs are Cool

Yeah, that's right!!! They are QUITE COOL!!!

I like to eat them...

Their spreadability is fatastic... I bet I could use it for mortar... in a CRACKER house!! Instead of GINGERBREAD.... wow...

And I could use dry macaroni and other pastas... yummy...

I think I have gone crazy!??

I am a crazy cheeseball myself!!!

And I challenge anyone to a mozarella cheese stick DUEL!!!

C'mon... you know you wanna piece o' me...

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Latest reply: Dec 19, 1999

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Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

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