Fast Eddie - Zen Nihilist

Shouldn't it be HG2G? I'm a poet and frustrated wrier (my own worst critic). The late Douglas Adams was (in my opinion) a gifted social critic and language artist. As a New Yorker (which is not really part of the USA) I would like to use this as a sounding board to see if my work is actually viable.
About me; dilletantish, clinically depressed, suicidal at times (which I consider to be a requirement for the occupation) SWM 43 (hetero) wicked sense of humor, social alcoholic dope smoker without delusions of grandeur, voracious reader (which makes it hard to write), please don't get me started, need a break and I want to move to Maine.
I've been (vanity) published 4 times, all poems, including an alleged 1st prize winner in a national competition. None of my work has been copyrighted (save for the 4 poems)
If anyone is interested, I can send samples of articles and short stories.
[email protected] or [email protected]

As far as I'm concerned; Marvin the Robot was right.

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Welcome ShutupEddie... Oct 20, 2004


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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