Searching for Creativity & Passion

I am searching for something, a passion, I had it once when I was younger but now at 25 I am happy but missing my creativity. I have a great part time job as an administrative assistant in an Older Person Charity which is really caring environment. I also work as a volunteer Brownie Leader, which I love.

I have always written and dreamed, my head is one massive continuous storyboard. Unfortunately so much ends up nowhere I have decided to go back to my teenage years when I wrote short stories.

My stories were about almost anything, my emotions determined their genre, I have written horror, romance, sci-fi, and something’s which never fitted easily into any particular category.

As you may already tell I have some difficulty with spelling and puctuation (dyslexia) but I hope I get my ideas and imigination accross.

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Published Nov 6, 2004 Nov 6, 2004


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