This is the Message Centre for The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

The appartment, part III

Post 21


Wow... such a group of dangerous animals... hmmm and me wants a doughnut... me thinks...

The appartment, part III

Post 22

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Lupa, my dear. Long time no see!

For fresh meat just follow the big black cat into that forest down there to the south, for if you lay one claw on that cow, I will have to use that huge rifle over there to protect it. smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 23

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Undead humanoids and ferocious predators, we are indeed a very weird bunch, eh?

I don't own a bakery yet, Greebz, but I'll overcome that by buying the occasional box of fresh doughnuts for you. This here box, for example, is filled with..... whipped cream doughnuts!!!

Yummy yummy for Greebo's tummy? smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 24

Black Panther


(Smelly no need get bang-pipe. Me protect moo-beast. Me understand moo-beast is milk-beast for little me-likes. Wolf not come close when me here.)


(Wolf follow me. Smelly have nice forest for us to hunt. Me prepared to team up with you. Smelly know you, so me trust you.)

The appartment, part III

Post 25

Black Panther


(Me no understand how little me-like can eat that. Me-like need real food. Need meat.)

The appartment, part III

Post 26

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Wow, thanx for the help, BP. smiley - smiley

*gently scratches BP behind the ears*

The appartment, part III

Post 27

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

I don't understand it either, my friend. But each to his own is my motto, and if Greebz rather eats doughnuts than meat, it's fine with me. smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 28


Thankyou my Mummy... ~grin~... these doughnuts are just the puuuuurrrrfect thing for my brekkie...

~Greebo dives into the box.. and is soon covered with yummy cream..~

The appartment, part III

Post 29

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)


You GLUTTON! You said you wanted *a doughnut*. This box was intended to last a couple of days! Oh, well, stuff it...

No, stuff YOU! Here's a truckload and I expect you to swallow it all!

*Grabs Greebz and rubs it in, crammin' the doughnuts in by the dozen*

Here's a dozen of choccy doughnuts, ah, and now a dozen of strawberry jelly doughnuts, three dozens of apricot jelly doughnuts, two dozens of cream doughnuts...

*continues cramming them in...*

Here's lunch, oh, and dinner too, and your breakfast for tomorrow... and ... and ...

The appartment, part III

Post 30

Jo (Dead)

Methinks TM has turned Pyshcotic... smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 31


~Greebo chews very willingly...~... me better stock up as me will be gone for a week... ~grin~... take care you all... me loves you... ~huggle~

The appartment, part III

Post 32

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

To Jinx: I have turned who??? smiley - smiley

To Greebz: you're not going anywhere until I've crammed ten year-supplies of doughnuts into you, lady! smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 33


Don't worry... ~Greebo rubs her full tummy..~ they are gone already...

The appartment, part III

Post 34

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Oh my... this is no fun... She likes the punnishment. smiley - sadface

Ok, no more doughnuts for the next twenty years smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 35

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor


(No beef? No beef?! Hmmmmmph! Forest better be well-stocked....)

The appartment, part III

Post 36

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor


(Oh, I was bound to return eventually. Hunting just takes up so much time, you know...)

The appartment, part III

Post 37

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Hehehe, I'm afraid BP won't take kindly to you trying that either, Lupa. So I guess you'll find them not worth the effort. smiley - smiley

The forest is as any real forest would be: full of many kinds of life. Enjoy! smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 38

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Indeed, unlike Jinx, I never doubted that you would return. I just found that you took rather long to do so smiley - smiley

The appartment, part III

Post 39

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor



(Whenever you're ready...)

The appartment, part III

Post 40

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor


(Well, my hunt for hearts proved to be a long and difficult process. The first one I found proved unsatisfying, and since then I haven't managed to dig up any more to my liking--at least not any that were free for the taking. smiley - winkeye So here I am in search of something else to hunt for....smiley - smiley)

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The appartment, part III

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