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Dumped Again

job centre tomorrow.


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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2001

the tragic and amusing tales of my recent life.

Now I'm back online properly, a full update seems in order.

Well, the fashion wesbite i set up is closed - at least for the time being. We were a classic victim of the dot-com disaster. Long lead times before launch, technical difficulties, and just as we were finally getting started the market collapsed around us. I'm considering starting again after the summer, but for now am giving all that extremely hard and frustrating work a rest.

Second tragic tale is that I'm no longer engaged. All men are officially b******s. Ah well, 'we grew apart' etc etc etc...

Still, the upshot of the above is that I'm temping and stuff to pay the bills, and having a nice relaxed summer. I'm getting to quite enjoy being single, and have had a succession of amusing / fun/ disastrous dates. Instead of considering myself a slapper if i see 2 lads in one night, i have invented a new term for myself : polyamorous. I love everyone!!!

The sun is shining here in London, and i am looking forward to a summer of festivals, barbecues, beer gardens and suchlike. Yesterday i went to an old fashioned steam fair at the local park, and rode a black horse called 'spicey' on the merry-go-round. Life is good. smiley - biggrin

Well, enough about me. How the heck are you?

lots of love


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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2001

purplejenny has a PC again!

Hooray 4 technology!

My PC works! My modem works!

Now able to waste much more time here and be generally active online.

Webcafes and borrowed time on your flatmate's terminal just aint the same.

Boy i missed it...

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2001

Life and what to do with it

What am i doing?

Lately I've benn chatting, lounging, eating, sunbathing, pic-nicing, boozing, etc. I'm also job-seeking, since [URL removed by moderator] has been closed down for the summer due to lack of funds, sales etc. (Avid readers of this journal (who hell they?) will already know this)

Anyway, 'job seeking' is great fun, but I'm not taking work at all seriously ATM. Nice Mr Bank Manager has extended my overdraft and during the sunny day of a bank holiday weekend when lots of my chums have time off, haven't been bothered stomping across town to w**k for some pittance. Thats work asterisked out, not wink, w**k or wonk.

Ho Humski. I have a few interviews lined up over the next few days and a few interesting things in the pipeline. Aside from getting a fun temp job that pays gr8 money 4 little effort (not that easy to find jobs like that - at least, not legal ones) I'm also composing general lists of stuff to do. My list currently includes fix computer, put up shelves, write a novel, learn to play the penny whistle, more guide articles and essays for the UCB, be a pop star, marry a squillionaire and go to the moon. Hmm. Not sure exactly hown many of them I'll be ticking off in the near future.

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Latest reply: May 31, 2001

Good Few Days...

I have had a good few days lately.

Sunshine, sex, fun, new job, old mates, party on the way, ace new shoes kinda days.

Hooray for life etc...

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Latest reply: May 17, 2001

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