This is the Message Centre for an apple tree

I dunno

Post 1

Classic Krissy

These knew shinier smilies look AWFULLY suspicious to me. They really do.

*squints eyes to demonstrate unease*

I dunno

Post 2

an apple tree

i'm using a broom as my prefered utensil for destruction, as the squinting of yours eyes has enlightened me to the sadisity and downright Nastiness of their intentions. it is our duty as queen of the universe, krissy, to destroy them all before they disarm the entire population with their smiling and their lookin around and all or it will be too late. and not one of us will be saved.
all ye devoted to the common good of mankind, collect your brooms now!!

I dunno

Post 3

Classic Krissy

*snatches up her broom and rallies round to defend the honor of the Universe of which she is one half the Queen of*

ha HA!

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