This is the Message Centre for an apple tree

A Correctional Centre

Post 1

Classic Krissy

I'm glad I'm not in one.

A Correctional Centre

Post 2

an apple tree

hey senorita! that's astute. say, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?

A Correctional Centre

Post 3

Classic Krissy

Say! Ain't we walkin' down the street together on the very same day?

A Correctional Centre

Post 4

an apple tree

yes we were...except well, i was actually Riding...on my i could STACK INTO YOU!!!!!
just like that

i'm unbelievably amused!!

A Correctional Centre

Post 5

Classic Krissy

I am also unbelievably amused. The swelling and general sloshiness behind my kneecap has begun to subside. I trust that you're here to help me swell up again.

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