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The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Started conversation Apr 15, 2000
Wow, thanx Av. I see free advertising for "The SETI@home Project" here. At least, since I can't find any mention of an "Avatar" on the list of participants in our team, I guess it's free advertisement
If you ARE on the team, and would like to get a link back, then please tell me with what name you are on the team
Avatar Posted Apr 25, 2000
Thanks, Mummy. I'm not currently part of the Seti@home team, but I think it's a great idea, thus the link. Wouldn't it be fascinating if someone found a candidate signal later this afternoon? The mind staggers!
--- Avatar
The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314) Posted Apr 25, 2000
Yeah, that's why we do it. Just for the kick, and because we want to *know* Anyway, the link is very much appreciated, but I *do* hope you'll become part of the team soon and help us. After all, what would be more mindboggling than being informed that *your* computer was the one that first discovered the proof of an alien existence?
>The Mummy.
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