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Hello A!
Almitra Started conversation Feb 27, 2000
I am just a newborn hitchhiker, but still I feel, that you are everywhere! So I did have to come and see you by myself. I almost decided to spend my summer in Alaska, so it may be the reason, why I first saw you. *read about Alaska* And all the places I have already visitet I have seen you behind some corner.
Hello A!
Avatar Posted Mar 3, 2000
I'm "everywhere?" Great! I've always wanted to have a kind of pan-interest presense on the web! But out of curiosity, where do we know each other from?
--- Avatar
Almitra Posted Mar 9, 2000
I'm sorry it took so long to answer. But where do we know each other... *thinking* IRL we don't, but here. At first I saw you when I was reading about Alaska. (I did seriously consider seafood processing as summerjob.) Then I was reading about where are all these people from. I believe you started that conversation. Then I make some random reading about things I was interested. Quite many times I saw also you. So I did come to read who are you.
Avatar Posted Mar 15, 2000
Ah, ok! Thanks for noticing me. I was really happy with that "Where are our researchers from?" forum. I wanted to make an impact here, and I did, in some small way, I suppose.
--- Avatar
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Hello A!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."