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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Started conversation Oct 18, 1999
Just leapfrogged on your name from the thread you started
about where we're all from.
And once I got here and saw your email handle, I just had
to ask: why Avatar99? I thought, qua Revelations, that there
could only be An Avatar, and I was quite willing to accept
that you were It.
But who are the other 98? Or are they (previous) incarnations?
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Avatar Posted Oct 19, 1999
Well, Avatar I got from the Ultima saga, which you can learn about from the guide here. (Handy, ain't it?) I put the 99 at the end because I was absolutely certain that somebody at had chosed the username "Avatar" already. It turned out I was wrong, but by then, it was too late.
--- Avatar
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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Oct 19, 1999
Ah. Well, I better look up Ultima, then.
Are you a British avatar or an American or
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Avatar Posted Oct 20, 1999
I'm American. I live in Alaska, to be exact.
Speaking of names, where did you come up with the moniker "Lil Asteroid?"
--- Avatar
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Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Oct 20, 1999
Asteroid Lilith #1181 looms large in my birth chart.
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Trinity KS Posted Nov 23, 1999
What the "Avatar" actually means, as I have read in one strange Russian book, is something like "A hand of God" in a strictly religious sense. A person that comes to earth to "save the human kind from the evil of the Dark one" or something along them lines. Cool book that was... about gunfighters and bladeslingers, etc, kind of like "The Highlander".
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Avatar Posted Nov 23, 1999
The Avatar originated as an incarnation of God, according to ancient Hindu religion. It wasn't popularized until Origin's "Ultima" series of computer games, where it was considered the embodiment of virtue. TSR's "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" also uses the term as the physical manifestation of the game's fictional deities.
It's just a really nifty concept that can be applied to fiction in a number of ways.
--- Avatar
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