This is the Message Centre for Tavis

Hello Tavis?

Post 1

Jimi X

I know the weather's been lousy in your neck of the woods, but I hope that this approval will make you day a little brighter.

Are you still out there??

Hello Tavis?

Post 2

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Nice job, guys.
smiley - smiley
I read Lovecraft back when it was all out of print and you could hardly find any of his stuff. That's before the 'invention' of fantasy as a genre, and LONG before Stephen King. It was all thought of as Science Fiction: fantasy/sf/horror. Simply because everybody else thought it was ALL weird stuff....

And hello Jimi X, even if Tavis isn't around.
smiley - smiley


Hello Tavis?

Post 3

Jimi X

Hey blu! How are things in Dwaggieland?

I find myself hoping these 'lost hikers' will return when they see that one of their entries was accepted. But I've yet to find one return yet! smiley - sadface

Oh well, they can still claim to have contributed *something* to the Approved Guide, even if they're not around to continue contributing....

Hello Tavis?

Post 4

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran the coronation in Damogran I have been quite busy. Royal duties and all. Please drop in sometime, we would love to see you in the Royal Court. There might even be a formal title lying around that we could give you. We would be most pleased to do so. smiley - smiley

And it would be nice if a few of the 'lost hikers' returned. I particularly miss a friend I made: Feisor. We had some jolly times, but he had computer trouble and *pouff* he came up missing. *sniff*

Anyway, Tavis [and you] did do a very nice job with Lovecraft...


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