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Hello there Sqmike : )
Arisztid Lugosi Started conversation Oct 22, 2004
ta da! i thought i'd just come over and say hi!
it was nice talking to you on that thread the other night.
i was feeling sad, so i'm glad you came allong to talk to me.
so out of curiosity how did you happen on that thread?
"Are you actually Canadian? Your habits seem somewhat English..?"
do i really? thats interesting. what makes you say that? i am canadian... and i've never been anywhere but to california.
...well actually i went o gernay once when i was a baby. but i dont think that counts as i dont remember a ting.
"Sqs can only really do furry or damp - I have been indoors while it was raining all night - but I will have to go out eventually..."
what is an Sq anyway? i've never heard of one.
i think i'm going to have to go out now.... i'm going to get the mail. it cold out. but i think i'll live. i'll just put on my big wool coat that goes down to my ancles. that'll work.
nice talking you Sqmike
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Hello there Sqmike : )
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