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An H2G2 Chat Channel ?

There have been numerous postings on this subject, but I didn't want to feel left out ...

Chatrooms, even moderated ones (why are chatroom moderators always called Alastair or Angus?), are the ideal way to unwind after a long day at the office/keyboard. They appear to have only one drawback, viz. the high incidence of US visitors trying to trace their ancestors. This aside, they are funny, entertaining, and stimulating environments. From the postings here, I'd expect some extremely erudite discourse!

What is the current stance of the H2G2 team towards the creation of a chat channel?


P.S. I'm still pondering the Ryder Cup debacle and am intrigued by the issue of jingoism vs national pride. Just thought I'd share that!

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 1999

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