Shelf's H2G2 Ambitions ...

:-) ;-) 8-)

My name is Shelf (obviously its not, but that's what I'd like you to call me) and I am a 37 year old bloke. I have just managed to escape back to Scotland after 15 years in England and my recuperation is nearly complete. I have an endless appetite for all things PC (come to think of it ... I sound like a sad old git!) and 1999 has seen me rediscover IRC as a means of entertainment and communication. I, and my online friends, despair at the woeful quality of conversation in so many of the chat channels, and have vowed to do our bit to improve things for those just looking for something more ... NORMAL!!

:-) ;-) 8-)

Through this page, I would like to :-

8-) Promote IRC for (Scottish) thirtysomethings ...

There must be something better than all those inane chat channels!

8-) Share my experiences of those English cities in which I've lived

viz. Leicester, Bradford, London, Birmingham, and Wellingborough

Thanks for reading this far! Please feel free to contribute.

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Messages left for this Researcher Posted
Scotland Nov 5, 1999


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
An alternative view ... Oct 3, 1999 Jan 21, 2000
Can you take a look ? Oct 3, 1999 No Replies
An H2G2 Chat Channel ? Oct 2, 1999 No Replies


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Researcher U96045


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