This is the Message Centre for Mr Snuggler

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

What is this all about Mick?

Come on talk to me and let's see if we can help you find your place in the vast area of hootoo smiley - hug

lil xx

smiley - magic

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 2

Mr Snuggler

was just about to go off then...well chris i have tried to interact with others on here and they even ignore direct Q's from me yet they answer everyone else...
kinda makes u wonder why u bother and quite frankly i have had enuff.
i was led to believe it was friendly on here and with a few exceptions its not really...
peaople stick to there groups and dont want anyone else joinin in

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Do you mind if I have a look at your Personal Space and see where you have been interacting? smiley - smiley

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 4

Mr Snuggler

i have unsubscribed from the convos as didnt think there was any point continueing...
deleted most of them other day...gonna delete the do the same with the rest tomorrow

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 5

Mr Snuggler

well chris i am goin off now...hav fun and say hi to the rest of the gang for me..(-_-)zzzzzzzzz..nitey nite xx

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Have you been outside of VV's threads at all?

The Site is enormous and there are game threads that will usually help you integrate ... after a couple of days or so, people will just say Hi if they recognise your name.

Also, you changed your name fairly quickly after just beginning to make friends that can be very confusing, especially with other newbies as they have a tendency to remain together for a while. I still have regular contact with 2 of my first friends online, and come across the others in other threads.

You seem to be online after most of the British contingent have departed for bed, we do have shift workers/night workers here and I have offered before, would you like me to introduce you?

I can give you links to silly threads, such as The Last One to Post Wins.. .. I am very often in there!

Have you ever thought of role play? Or just plain daft threads? The Mad Gen Lab in the Thingites is perfect, if you don't mind being beaten about the head with a frozen fish and genetically modified!

Would you be willing to give us another try?

lil xx

smiley - magic

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 7


Sorry to butt in but there's a particularly silly game here:


That'll take you to the start, so you can find out what's going on (is that possible? smiley - erm) but then I recommend you jump straight to the end and make a move. Warn them you're a newbie and you haven't played before and they'll probably walk all over you. No matter, just keep playing and eventually get the hang smiley - winkeye

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 8

Mr Snuggler

no lil i havent been outside of VV's threads as i dont kno where to go to get inot other ones..however i hav tried chattin to ppl in vicki's threads and just been blanked..
its ok tho as i realise alot of u lot know each other and its always difficult for new people to get in xx

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Mick, it is possible that the ones you have talked to are not actually online at the moment you speak? If you are in a Journal thread, which most of VV's are, then that person might not read the backlog and scroll forward to the last couple of postings entered.

You may also have noticed that my "eyes" near my name were on when you posted your last message to me, unfortunately I, like a number of others, may not actually be in that area of their conversation list.. and was not ignoring you. You just had not been seen smiley - cuddle

Sticking to VV's threads will not help you very much, because the majority of the friends in there are office workers, with their busy times of the day.. all play/talk is finished at least an hour before hometime smiley - winkeye

H2G2 is a Message Board site, not a chat area or instant messaging site.
This means that you can leave a message in a persons' personal space and they will reply when next they come online, this could be tomorrow or even weeks away

Also txtspk is difficult for some of us to understand. This site encourages full printed text smiley - hug

Please smiley - grovel give hootoo a while longer, expand your horizons, relax and enjoy yourself smiley - smiley


lil xxx

smiley - magic

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 10

Mr Snuggler

well as it happens the people i am on abotu were online as they replied straight away to other peoples messages but not mine.
i know this is like a forum rather than a chat site and i wouldnt mind if as u say they werent online at the time but they were.
i dont know other peoples names so i cant exactly visit there space if i dont know there names..
also bear in mind i am on a digibox not a pc so its more difficult for me as i dont have access to alot of the things pc users do xx

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Mick, you can click your mouse on the name of the person you wish to talk to, and it will take you directly to their PS. The name like your "Mr Snuggler" is in blue at the beginning of their own posting.

I would not advise that you use this to directly challenge anyone, because they might have been answering something from previous postings back and be totally unaware of the way you feel. I understand what you are saying, I have had done to myself too.

If you look at the front page of anyone's PS you will find on the right hand side 2 boxes... "Leave a Message" and "Add a Friend" to add a friend, just click you mouse on the words and that person is automatically added to your friends listing. The leave a message area is obvious and very straight forward to use.

You need to get into some of the milder game areas to boost your confidence on the site. Do you want me to look for threads that you may join in and retreat if you don't like them?

I am going to bed now, but I will look for your reply in the morning.

Goodnight my friend smiley - hug

lil xx
smiley - magic

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 12

Mr Snuggler

yeah i have encountered the ADD FRIEND before lil however the only people i come across are the ones in threads that VV invites me to join..i dont know where else to find other people.
anyways i am off to my pain in the butt course in a min but may catch u later.
also some of the game threads i cant get in as have tried before.

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 13

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello Mick,

Sorry I can't answer you in the *smile* thread.. that young lady has just lost her grandmother.. so I was only concerned for her in there.

I am sorry you feel you are not welcome on this site love, . .. I would have loved to have taken you further into hootoo when you got you own PC.. it is fun.. you are just very restricted with digi-box at the moment.

Goodbye my friend.. hopefully, one day we will meet again.

lil xxx

smiley - cuddle

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 14

Mr Snuggler

hi chris..well i just think its too restrictive on here and i cant be walkin on egg-shells when i chat to ppl..i am a very outgoing person who loves a laff about almost anything and i feel confined..i decided against deleting the link though although i was going too and will pop on from time to time to see how ur all doing..thanks for making me welcome chris as i appreciate it..regards...mick xxx

Shuffle up and giz a seat!

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Dagnabbit missed you again!

When you get your PC.. come back to me.. I will show you how to use the site properly.

Without restrictions. You have been thrown in at the deep end with this.. and we can make amends smiley - ok

lil xx

smiley - magic

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