WHy and WhaT is it all about?

As I sit and ponder the purpose of life, my reasonings all flow back to one word WHy? Whether my question be of a tragic situation, the antics of a daft celebrity, reality TV and the way in which we treat our world it all comes down to the question WHy?

I am currently wading through an environmental course and I write short amusing stories for pleasure.

Outwardly my face is one of a smiling happy creature but inwardly I am troubled by the violence in the world and wish we all would do more to voice an opinion and let people know it has to stop.

Is there a politican with a heart, does anyone care about the tragedies that strikes us all daily. Do we have to watch so much violence on our screens and TV's? It all comes down to WHy?

It is not all doom and gloom, a great puzzlement in my life is why do menopausal woman suffer the indignity of thinning hair but twice as much grows on their chins; what is that all about?

I shall carry on and ponder more..............

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An ACE G'day sweetAnnabella ... Sep 5, 2007


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