Journal Entries
05/10/99 ARAD6 - Users do not realise that they want it
Posted Oct 11, 1999
I started to investigate h2g2.come because hhg was an integral part of my 'growing up', and I read about it in an article in a computer magazine. Other potential users are going to need rather more 'persuasion' to log on than I did.
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Latest reply: Oct 11, 1999
04/10/99 ARAD#5 - Users don't have the necessary Skills
Posted Oct 11, 1999 has good help pages... and the internet usage explosion has led to many people developing the skills needed to make h2g2 work... but there are many more who still don't know 'how to work it' and there is a danger that those who come after this initial explosion will miss out on some of the community learning that has been happening over the past few years.
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Latest reply: Oct 11, 1999
30/09/99 ARAD#4 - Is the word 'registration' the correct one for this purpose?
Posted Sep 30, 1999
On returning to my h2g2 homepage, I was slightly 'phased' by the absence of a 'log in' button.
I discovered that I must click the word 'Register' both in order to enter all my details in initially and also to prompt a search for my existing details.
I am slightly concerned that a single typo for my address might have started me on the long sequence of data entry screens etc. .. and having already made my other point about the interface being quite slow... I think you will see that if I did not have a dogged determination to make this page work properly, I might well have 'given up'.
Summary: I suggest that the absence of a 'log in' button might lead to some researchers avoiding the site.
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Latest reply: Sep 30, 1999
ARAD#3 - It's a bit slow ... isn't it?
Posted Sep 30, 1999
I seem to have a subconcious reaction to computer systems that appear to respond slowly:
a) I get a tightness in my chest
b) I get headaches
c) I get RSI through being 'poised' over the keyboard/mouse.. waiting for my chance to type something in (only to find that I clicked on the wrong link !)
d) I get frustrated and avoid using them if possible.
There's nothing I can do about this ARAD except SHOUT !!!! (can anybody hear me?). That feels much better.
It's not really a serious problem for authors.. but perhaps we will lose some users if we don't 'speed up' a bit?
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Latest reply: Sep 30, 1999
Why won't h2g2 work?
Posted Sep 28, 1999
My own 'pet project': is just starting up its fourth session, and I feel quite nervous... will it work this time?
I can imagine that the same thoughts have been through the minds of the creators of h2g2... 'will it work'.
DA created a universe (nay a miriad of universes) in which it *did* work.. for some people who were 'higher up the evolutionary ladder than a concussed bee'... but will it work for us here on earth?
Perhaps a good way to approach this question is to give all the answers we can and then tackle them with direct action ?
I propose to present to this journal a-reason-a-day (ARADx) for why h2g2 won't work which occurs to me as a result of my day to day experience.
Then at suitable intervals I will devise an action plan so that I can take direct action to *make* it work... because personally I believe whole-heartedly in this project.
ARAD1 = People will see development of h2g2 articles etc. as a S.E.P. (Somebody Else's Problem).
I work in a medium sized firm SWEB (it used to be large.. but now it's really quite small).
Before the weekend, I sent out some rather 'piercing emails' requesting action from others who had indicated that the problems that my actions were designed to solve needed urgent attention.
I waited all of today for replies to these emails but nobody answered.
When I telephoned the recipients, it turned out that they were assuming I was going to deal with these questions ... and presumably just thought I was sending out emails as a way of passing my time !
.. so there's ARAD1
ARAD2 = People will not know that h2g2 exists.
I am trying to 'launch' myself into a new career as an online trainer (I recently completed a 'Online Trainer's Certificate' course and enjoyed it so much that I am actively trying to get a 'second career' going in this area.
The problems include:
a) Helping people who run f2f training courses know that online courses could save them overheads
b) Helping people who run online training courses to choose me as one of their trainers
c) Helping people who are interested in taking a training course to see the benefits of this medium
d) Helping people who are interested in taking an online training course to find the courses that I am running
In a word 'promotion'.
The puplic are becoming increasingly deaf to advertising due to the earbashing that is now so prevalent.
To gain an audience, guide users and new researchers, h2g2 will need to keep up the advertising... although what I have seen so far seems very impressive.
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Latest reply: Sep 28, 1999
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."