Journal Entries

another mess of thoughts

My right leg just turned into a brick thanks to that lovely art of fencing. I think maybe I'll try hitting it a lot, til it's normal consistency returns. Also, I need to bring more chocolate for my dorm room, fencing precludes my going to the dining hall (sometimes)....what a lovely arrangement....

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 1999

The advantages of denouncing mayonaise

  All those who reside under the wing of robo-bat, join together and denounce that malicious condiment of our discontent: mayonaise.
If you allow yourself to be guided by the highly intelligent cyber-mammal you will never despair. However, if satanic sandwich spread is your's not to late to repent! Repent and gain the respect of robo bat!

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 1999

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Jessica Lea

Researcher U95259

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