Journal Entries

Sunday Morning Rituals

Yesterday was a glorious February day. I didn't go to the pub on Saturday night, so I woke up feeling bright and clear-headed (I'd forgotten that Sunday mornings could give me that feeling) and because the weather was so nice, I decided to wash my car, because it was, quite frankly, filthy.

Enjoying the early morning sunlight with my hands in a bucket of warm soapy water, it made me think of all the rituals that seem to go on in the world, alongside the usual daily routine. Washing cars on Sunday mornings certainly seems to be one of them.

Once I had begun, I spotted at least two other car-owners doing the same in my street. Now if you multiply that figure by the number of streets in my town, multiply it by the number of towns in the country, use that as an average percentage across the world, the number of people possibly washing their cars at any one time (allowing of course for timezones) could be immense. But also a very dull piece of trivia.

I can't wait for the summer when the contagion of lawnmowers begins...

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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2000

The wonderous invention that is Mobile Phones

I was thinking today about how much I rely on my mobile phone. It wasn't a major thought, and I won't mention where I was when I thought of it because that would be rather peculier, but it was an interesting thought, and one I suppose that many people think of nowadays...where would I be if I didn't have my mobile? This thought came about because I was out of the office, spending the day at another depot of the company I work for, and during a break round about lunchtime, I decided to call up my friend Dickie P and have a chat.

Without my mobile this would not have been so easy to do. Not because I didn't have access to a land line, not because I wouldn't be allowed to make a personal call from a work location, but because his work number (as well as his home and mobile number) is programmed into my mobile phone. I have absolutely no idea what his number is, except for the area code because it's a local one, and it's only by chance that I remember his extention number and can ask the person who operates the switchboard to patch me through. Of course, I could have contacted Directory Enquiries for the number, but this would have been a tad irritating and long-winded, and would have meant that I would have needed to find a pen to write the number down when that nice lady with the funny voice got around to calling it out (although she will repeat it if you wait patiently enough). Anyway, I got through to Dickie without the help of said BT service and we had a natter about all kinds of stuff, which was great, but I still couldn't tell you the number I dialled.

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2000


How did the cotton wool get into my head? Whose idea was it to substitute my throat for sandpaper? Why do my eyes look like I've just gone three rounds with Naz?

I hate having a cold. What good are they? Nobody wants to share one, and everybody complains if they get one. We all try our hardest to avoid them, and steer clear of anybody who has one. All in all, colds are very unsociable and unpleasant things and have no merits whatsoever.

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 1999

Entry One

Well, it's 10.15 on a Sunday night, and I've just registered.
Now, if I had any kind of life, this entry would be teaming with thoughts and interesting issues. But I don't, so it's not.

Plan for Monday: Get a life.

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Latest reply: Sep 26, 1999

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