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Grown up non dogs trip out and my diary for the week...
I'm not really here Started conversation Feb 16, 2014
Haven't been out for AGES with Teenacher so, we're off to see Fuerzabruta this afternoon for an early evening show. I only heard about it as it was on the news recently for falling on some people in the audience, but I'm sure they've got that all sorted out.
Tomorrow I've got an appt with my nose doctor, 9.30am - a 2 1/2 hour journey. Yum! Obviously I would not have arranged the one straight after the other, especially as I want to take my lovely lovely sedatives with me in the hope I can get my blood tests done.
Then on Tuesday I'm picking up my new motorhome! Yay! I'm wondering if I can get away with driving it straight to my mechanic (about 20 mins) with the 'insured on any car' bit of my car insurance... It has an unidentified rattle which could be nothing, or could be a big something so I want that sorted before I go away in it. At Easter, if not before.
Then, hopefully by Wednesday my new robot scrubber will arrive, Thursday the
food should be here, and Friday, well I get to have a day off exciting things happening and go to work...
Grown up non dogs trip out and my diary for the week...
coelacanth Posted Feb 17, 2014
Moonlight and I went to Fuerzabruta a year ago before it got in the news or became *the* show for minor celebs to be photographed at. We loved it!
Basically, she does the research and finds a show she'd like to see, and then allows me to pay for the tickets and buy her a meal out. Isn't she kind to me!
Did you both enjoy it?
Grown up non dogs trip out and my diary for the week...
I'm not really here Posted Feb 17, 2014
That is very kind of her.
Yes we did like it, I thought Teenacher was going to crack a smile at one point. He even joined in a couple of 'touching' parts, but no dancing, or even (as in my case) moving about a bit while music was playing.
It was over too quickly, but also some of the bits seemed to drag on a bit too long - the water tanks mainly, but that might have been because we were right in the middle of the two, so couldn't really see as much as we wanted to.
Grown up non dogs trip out and my diary for the week...
I'm not really here Posted Feb 19, 2014
I am on the list for an op, and they can do my blood tests while I'm sleeping. Yay! But it's a 6 month wait. Gah.
Motorhome is here! But it's gone straight to the mechanic so I can't play with it. Gah.
Scrubber is here! But needs an 'overnight charge' so I can't play with it. Gah.
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Grown up non dogs trip out and my diary for the week...
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