This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 1

I'm not really here

But last time I went to one of her parties and didn't know anyone but her, I was completely ignored (and you know me, I do normally mingle and find people to chat to easily - like last Wednesday when I went to a tweet up having only met 2 people out of the 40 odd who went, 1 who went into labour early so didn't show up and I still was busy chatting for 3 hours), really miserable, completely fed up, and quietly slipped out after not having spoken to anyone (all in couples) for 45 minutes.

So I've stayed home which is probably really bad wedding etiquette.

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Not bad etiquette at all IMO (dropped the H wnen I felt I wasn't feeling Humble - ever more).

You did the right thing sweetie - if those who got married know you well, they will understand.

And if they don't know you well enough - who cares?

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 3

I'm not really here

I was scared to tell her, so she won't know I'm not going until I'm not there...

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 4


You could have an H2G2 meet at the same time smiley - cheerup Then you'd have loads of friends there to chat to smiley - zen No one knows one another at weddings etc. So everyone would be impressed at how popular you are smiley - loveblush

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 5

I'm not really here

I'll remember that for next time!

Supposed to be at a wedding evening do

Post 6


Thought that might smiley - cheerup a little smiley - smiley

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