This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

Post Team

Hello - Awix here, still frantically trying to cobble the Post into some sort of shape.

I am sort of painfully aware that I'm the one who stood up and shouted 'let's do the show right here!' only for a lot of the work to ooze in your direction. I am obviously very grateful for the offer of help...

Would you still be willing to set up a temporary Post email? Once it was up I think that all you would need to do would be to redirect whatever came in to the appropriate Section Editor (this would currently be me and Reefy) so we could work on it. If you passed the account details onto us you wouldn't even need to do this.

cheers again.

Awix smiley - geek


Post 2

I'm not really here

I won't be able to pass on the details without making the password public, which I don't think is a good idea.

Do you want to set it up yourself so you can have full access? I can then email that account an email address of mine if you need to contact me off site.

Although if you and Reefgirl are dealing with the entries I'm not sure what work there will be for me. ?


Post 3

Post Team

Well, Shazz has returned (that really needs a trumpet fanfare or something) so this whole topic is a bit moot...

Though obviously she's in no condition to edit the Post, she's forwarding stuff on to me (oh dear) and given me a handy guide to doing the job (ditto). So the problem we were discussing has been shortcircuited a bit.

Although any help you can provide would be very gratefully received...

Awix smiley - geek


Post 4

I'm not really here

smiley - ok Well, as I said in the other thread, I can't guarentee that I won't have work next week, and since then I've had three days come up, so I'm not sure how much help I'll be able to give - especially as I won't be at the pc for most of the weekened either (camping! smiley - biggrin).

It doesn't take long to sub and GuideML articles, so perhaps I could do some of that?


Post 5

Post Team

All help gratefully received. I'll have to check with Reefy to see if she's happy for us to use her email as a point of contact so we can send stuff out to people.

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