This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Question for you...

Post 1


Hi Mina,

I think you'll know the answer to this one: if I'm on an Edited Entry page, reading someone's work (OK, minesmiley - winkeye), how do I find out the 'string' of the address, i.e. how it is lodged in the Guide?

What I mean, in English, is that I can look under 'LIFE', for example, and keep clicking through the options to get to my topic/Entry of choice but is there a way to do this backwards, from the Entry?

This is because I looked for an Entry of mine where I thought it would live but it wasn't there, so it's obviously been put elsewhere in the index and I'm trying to find out where.

Make any sense yet? Sorry, I'm a bit ill today so I may be talking drivel!

Julessmiley - smiley

Question for you...

Post 2

I'm not really here

Sorry to hear you're not well. smiley - cheerup

There should be a 'crumbtrail' to the category at the top of the page if it's an Edited Entry. That'll show you where it's been put. What entry is it?

Question for you...

Post 3


Thanks for the loobrush, I've had two so far todaysmiley - smiley

I will go and have another look and engage my brain a bit more.

Hang on.

Question for you...

Post 4


It's this one:

I can't see the trail, am I going mad?

I thought it would be findable under 'Northamptonshire' you see, but it isn't so maybe they've gone for famous people. It's not under UK architecture either.

Question for you...

Post 5

I'm not really here

No, you're not going mad, they've forgotten to categorise it.

Have a look at this one - A3859220, you should see it at the top. Drop a note on Ed Feedback and they'll do it for you. This has the bonus that you can ask for it to go where you think it should. Don't be afraid to ask for more than one category if you think it will fit! Museums, the local area, etc.

Question for you...

Post 6


Cheers, that makes me feel saner...smiley - winkeye

Thanks for your time on thissmiley - smiley

Question for you...

Post 7

I'm not really here

No problem. It's nice to be asked - shows I can still be useful around here, instead of just a pain in the arse. smiley - biggrin

Question for you...

Post 8


Ah, I have other people on my 'pain in the btm''re not one of them!

Have left a swift message on the Ed Feedback page.

Julessmiley - smiley

Question for you...

Post 9

I'm not really here

I've managed to avoid annoying you it seems. smiley - biggrin Not so the case for other people though. Without getting to into it, I seem to be having a run of bad luck, and it's making me a little tetchy around the place.

I'm trying to keep myself busy with the EG, job applications, and sorting my affairs out. I do still find time to hang around forums like a bad smell though. smiley - biggrin

Question for you...

Post 10


Oh yes, and I hope it doesn't miff you too much that I didn't say 'Mina told me' in my message to the Eds. Gotta at least pretend I know what's what around here! smiley - kiss

Question for you...

Post 11



Have an smiley - ale and I'll have one tosmiley - doctor Life has been poo here recently too.

Question for you...

Post 12


Where did that doctor come from?! I AM going mad, I told you!

Question for you...

Post 13

I'm not really here

You just have a little chit-chat there all by yourself. I'm off to watch EastEnders. smiley - run

Oh yes, and I absolutely demand that you let the Eds know that it was me who told you. Although they already know I'm great, so maybe I'll let you off. smiley - whistle

Question for you...

Post 14


Good, 'cos I'm not telling them now smiley - tongueout

I can watch Enders while hootooing!

Question for you...

Post 15

I'm not really here

I prefer to keep the pc out of the same room as the TV. Madness lies that way...

Question for you...

Post 16




smiley - run

Question for you...

Post 17

I'm not really here

And the same to you! smiley - nahnah

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