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Aha, all is explained

Post 1

Researcher U1025853

I have found out why I have been so ratty, its been living in lots of pain and not understanding why, and being scared because I didn't know what is going on.

Well afterall that its a prolapsed disc, so now I know and I am begining to relax and lighten up again. I was told 5 years ago it wasn't that you see, so its all been a bit worrying.

So I will be putting you back on my friends list and hopefully I will be much better company from now on!smiley - hug

Aha, all is explained

Post 2

I'm not really here

Thank you smiley - cuddle I am sorry for being ratty myself. My year got bad before it even started and has grown steadily worse ever since, so I've been stressed. It's true that no-one can wound like a friend, so I'm sorry, and glad to see you back here.

I suppose I'm also glad to see that you've finally been diagnosed after years of pain. Does this mean that something can be done about it?

Aha, all is explained

Post 3

Researcher U1025853

Hi Mina

I find it very easy to lose track of convos these days, it must be a sign of getting old! smiley - yikes

Yep, now I know what is wrong with my back I know how to live. I know I need exercise and that when certain pains start that it is time to stop. I will be going for an MRI scan at some point to ascertain exactly what is going on, but this is the sort of thing you can cure yourself. Only when you know you have it though!

I read you past journals and blimey you have had a year of it. Sorry about your Gran, that can hurt more than you are ready for. Also, such a shame about the job and the sinuses.

I hope to read good news in there soon.smiley - magic

Aha, all is explained

Post 4

I'm not really here

I keep losing conversations as well these days. Especially as I haven't had very much time for h2g2 over the past few weeks. I'll go round and gather them all up when I finally get a few days with nothing to do except feed the dog and water the plants!

I'm glad that you're finally getting your back sorted - my ex-husband had a lot of trouble with his back - it was never really diagnosed what was wrong and my bloody mother put him off having an MRI scan that might have sorted it out once and for all!

Losing both grandmothers in so short a time was bad - I miss my nan who lived opposite me all the time, and there's someone else in her house now. I thought it would be hard, but seeing the family help her to move in, seeing her little grandkids help with boxes and that sort of thing is actually helping in some strange way. I remember my nan moving in there, so in a way I'm glad that someone else will be making happy memories there.

Aha, all is explained

Post 5

Researcher U1025853

I am glad that seeing the new family moving in wasn't hard on you. I get a lump in my throat whenever I go past my dads parents house, they have both gone now. I don't go there often though, being Bristol, it must be quite difficult when they are in the same road.

On the other hand it also means more memories, I find visiting my other Gran with my mother is a very trying experience. My mum talks loudly and spends ages trying to explain things which Gran will never get. I am happy to repeat things often and is gran says something untrue, so what, what does it really matter? I would love to see her without mum there, but they live in the same area and mum is offended if I even go past on a train to somewhere like the West Country without getting out and spending the night!

Wonder why your mum was so anti MRI scans? I am not looking forward to mine, having to stay still and enclosed is always more difficult when you have just been told you have to. Still its about time, I found out exactly how bad this was and that no more damage was done by not knowing for 5 years.

Onwards and upwards.smiley - hug

Aha, all is explained

Post 6

I'm not really here

I think there was the worry that it as going to cause something fatal. She not only reads the Daily Mail, but believes everything that's in it - even when it contradicts itself!

Aha, all is explained

Post 7

Researcher U1025853

Well they are like mutiple x-rays which are not good to have too often, but the Daily Mail is a silly paper to believe!

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