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nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 1


am somewhat tempted and thought youd prolly be the one to asksmiley - winkeye

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 2

I'm not really here

ooh, good choice. smiley - biggrin

Tweezer style! They look much less scary for beginners and they tend to fall off if people try to be too rough with them.

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 3


smiley - laugh

and where would be the best place to go?

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 4

I'm not really here

The London fetish fair this weekend. smiley - ok I won't be there sadly, but if you can't make it either I'd suggest Camden on your next trip into London.

Otherwise there's lots of internet sites that sell them that I can't link to. smiley - handcuffs

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 5


its abit late to organise a sitter for this weekend unfortunately,but i should be able to sneak up to camden in school time..smiley - winkeye

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 6

I'm not really here

smiley - ok

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 7

I'm not really here

Actually, now I'm out of work for a bit, let me know if you go - maybe we can meet for a smiley - cider.

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 8


that might be an idea as im highly likely to get lostsmiley - dohand i never turn down smiley - cider..smiley - biggrin..makes having a teetotal bf a little odd !smiley - laugh

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 9

I'm not really here

Just remember there are lots of calories in beer!

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 10


i knowsmiley - sadface

n i hate to think how many were in my birthday cake!

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 11

I'm not really here

oh well, that's only once a year!

nipple clamps for beginners;)

Post 12


it was a years worth of chocolate thoughsmiley - laugh

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