This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I've always enjoyed your contribution here and I wanted to ask a question away from the current *subject hidden* thread.

You mentioned: *How many times have you see people say 'I didn't say that', or 'why can't you read what I say'? Which makes no sense...*

I just wanted to ask exactly what you meant (which is in it's way both humerous and to the point). I've noticed many times that those who are not absolutely precise, use sarcasm or irony, or intend to branch out the thread somewhat are often misunderstood. Similarly some feel that their posts must be answered before all others or even not ignored.

I don't mean to be critical of anyone especially you but it seems I run into people (myself included) who are misunderstood fairly often on Hootoo.

smiley - ta in advance.

smiley - cheers



Post 2

I'm not really here

I normally see it when there are arguments going on and tempers are a bit high, so I wasn't referring to anything in particular.

My point was more about the language that people use on h2g2 - using 'said' and 'say' instead of 'wrote' and 'write' in the more conversational type threads.

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