This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Dear Mina
Hello, I have been following the discussion thread about PR you are involved in and as a result i have commented on a entry you have done. As a newbie here (and an Aussiesmiley - cool..err)i,m still finding my feet, and i must admit that i have been blundering about like the proverbial Bull! Only realising my mistakes in regard to appropriate places to post after I have dropped the little buggers in the wrong forums etc. Have I commented about your entry(on polluting cars) in the wrong place? If i have done the wrong thing, could you let me know about it, if it is not too much trouble? As to my comments, i hope they are deemed relevant by you. Thanks for taking the time to read this....Rhynchsmiley - smiley


Post 2

I'm not really here

Hi rhynch,

Most people tend to post in the review forum attached to the entry - if you look on the right hand side of the entry in the box with all the info in you'll see a link called 'Peer Review'. That's generally the best place - but you haven't really posted in the 'wrong' place. Lots of people comment on the entry itself as you have done, so no need to worry. The link isn't very obvious to people who don't know it's there.

I usually respond to PR comments from home (I'm at work atm) so don't be offended if I don't respond to it straight away.

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