This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Get a life

Post 1

Researcher U1025853

'"Only one phrase comes to mind really
'get a life'"

You won't mind if I drop that into one of your journals at some point then Kaz? It's not nice to poke fun at other people's interests.'

I am not poking fun at other peoples interests, that would be a bit ironic seeing as how I was looking forward to seeing the episode myself. I just think to talk of murdering someone because a few lines were heard in a different programme, is getting the wrong end of the stick. The important point is that the new series ever happened at all. I find even jokey reference to murdering people very upsetting.

I suppose you are hoping to use the 'get a life' phrase next time I do a journal about my problems. If you want to compare getting over agorophobia, sexual abuse etc etc, to being upset at a small overlap in a programme, you do that. If thats what you feel is really appropriate.

In the meantime, as I see a distinct lack of friendship in that comment, lets just remove each other from our friends lists and stop pretending.

Get a life

Post 2

I'm not really here

It's just so rude to tell people to get a life when they are talking about something - regardless of what you've been through and are still going through, if someone else wants to have a moan about something, it's not your business to decide that your life is harder than theirs and therefore you can be rude.

A little tolerance for other people would go a long way I think.

Get a life

Post 3

Researcher U1025853

We are stunned, thats Moonglum and myself that is!

I'll let any murderers or paedophiles I meet know that what they did to their victim was not a big deal, just comparable to the trauma of having Graham Norton say a line in the wrong place. I am sure that will make all the difference to their recovery!

If only I had known you when I was 11, it wouldn't have mattered a jot what my father was doing!

This is possibly the most hilarious thing anyone has said to me yet this year!

Get a life

Post 4

I'm not really here

Hey Kaz? Get a life.

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