This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Shall we..

Post 1


..concoct an evil plan to kidnap fords n throw her a big hen night in London? smiley - biggrin

Shall we..

Post 2

I'm not really here

Yes I should think that would be a good idea. We can chain her to a lamppost or something. I'll start packing! smiley - biggrin

Shall we..

Post 3


smiley - evilgrin

and there must be strippers!

who todrag along though?

Shall we..

Post 4

I'm not really here

smiley - doh I didn't see your response to this before! I just thought I'd check to see if I had missed something!

We can drag along anyone we can find I think!

Shall we..

Post 5


i miss stuff all the timesmiley - dohsmiley - laugh

Shall we..

Post 6

I'm not really here

We're obviously both far too busy with real lives. smiley - biggrinsmiley - handcuffs

Shall we..

Post 7


im just bloody scattysmiley - laugh

though i have been a little busier than normalsmiley - loveblush

Shall we..

Post 8

I'm not really here

Tch. Shocking! smiley - bigeyes

Shall we..

Post 9


not as shocking as it could be smiley - angel

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