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boarding school

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

I just saw on another thread that you also went to boarding school.

I'm now having awful problems with the Gruesomes and working out just how much input/interest/interference I should have in their school life and I have no personal point of reference.

Or am I just suffering from normal mummy-type guilt and should stop thinking about it?
smiley - tea

boarding school

Post 2

I'm not really here

I'm not really sure what you mean? Are your kids at boarding school? If so they went a lot younger than I did, I was 14 when I finally behaved badly enough to get people to take me seriously, and I think your two are younger than that?

boarding school

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

oh they're not at boarding school, they go to day school. Since I was so far away my parents had no contact with the school and never came to events etc.

(and I absolutely won't send the Gruesomes away to school - I hated it)

So I just wonder how much or how little I should put my nose in.

boarding school

Post 4

I'm not really here

Ah, I see what you mean.

My boarding school was only about 12 miles from where we live, so my parents were very involved, but a lot of the children there had families who were abroad - a lot of them seemed to be 'looking for oil' in Egypt or Abu Dhabi and places like that, so we never saw their parents.

I stick my nose in as much as I feel I need to for J's sake - although I've learnt to J's cost that just because things are quiet that doesn't mean everything is going well.

If things aren't going well, and it's to do with school I'd say go and check it out. You need to know whether the school could be doing more, or what they are doing badly, or what they are doing well and your kids are just being little sods. J's is a mix of all three!

I've just had to get my local MP involved with my LEA because they've never really give J a proper caseworker, and now he's got none at all and won't have until 14th Aug at the earliest.

I'm also going back to the Disability Rights Commision about the school because of the amount they are excluding him from lessons and trips etc.

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