This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Something is against me.

Post 21

I'm not really here

eugh, hope you're feeling much better now.

I can't get the stupid playlists to work on this. smiley - cross I didn't like it from the moment I bought it - I prefered the previous one I had. Quick drag from my folders on the pc onto the player, and bingo, instant playlists. This one I have to do through media player, which won't organise it in any sensible order for me. Then when I sync it, it just sticks all the music onto the player, with no playlists!

At least I've been out and topped up my phone, the gas, and the petrol.

Something is against me.

Post 22

I'm not really here

ooh, upgrading to media player 11 sorted that out ok. :D all present and correct, so no need really to hang about online when I should be walking dogs and packing clothes.

Something is against me.

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

Then what are you still doing here? smiley - winkeye
Enjoy the break. smiley - hug

Something is against me.

Post 24

I'm not really here

I'm sulking because for the second day running my neighbour has just dumped her dog on me with no regard to what I need to get done. Both days she was going to be back early afternoon. I haven't been able to get my own dogs out which hasn't impressed me, and with such a long journey tomorrow they're going to be really frustrated and not travel well. I managed to get a few things done, but haven't been able to get to the doctors for my prescription to take on holiday.

If she'd said 'all day' I could have dealt with that, and just taken her dog with mine, but yesterday she was complaining because I was out when she got home, so I thought I'd better wait in. Even though when I did get back she didn't answer her door, and I had the dog an extra hour. She hasn't answered any of my text messages.

I'm never doing this again.

Something is against me.

Post 25

I'm not really here

Oh yes, and I'm supposed to be going dog training in less than an hour. I can't leave J with her dog, it's not fair.

I seem to have spent all day being cross today. smiley - sadface

Something is against me.

Post 26

aka Bel - A87832164

No wonder you're annoyed. My neighbouzr once left me her small daughter, to be fetched by her dad at 4.00pm. Guess who never called and only came to get her at 8.00pm? Don't get me wrong, the girl was a cutie and really good to have, but I never left the home after 4.00pm, either, although I had intended to get my shopping etc done then.

Something is against me.

Post 27

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Did ya pack it ? did ya

smiley - towel

Something is against me.

Post 28

I'm not really here

smiley - blush

Yes of course! Or rather, it's still lying on my bed waiting for me to go up and sort the toiletries out. smiley - biggrin

Something is against me.

Post 29

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

I sent 6 more to Roy this week for the spring London meet smiley - winkeye

Something is against me.

Post 30

I'm not really here

Someone needs to send something back to you as a pressie. I'll see if I can find something at the Devon meet. smiley - biggrin

I'm supposed to be packing up the last bits in the camper, but I'm having a coffee break. And of course I needed to check online in case there was any important info that I was missing.

Something is against me.

Post 31

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Thanks but save your money .I just really like using them and want to share the pleasure smiley - ok

Something is against me.

Post 32


Moonglum got a cheap mp3 player in the xmas sales and it broke, so he exchanged it and it broke again. Then they admitted that the cheap ones are not worth it, cause they always break. So we are waiting for prices to come down. Hope yours wasn't a cheap one, cause they seem frustrating.

Something is against me.

Post 33

I'm not really here

It's wasn't cheap, but not one of the really big costing ones either. I don't really like it, even though I chose it as a Which? Best Buy.

Something is against me.

Post 34


Moonglum thinks Creative is a good make, what make is yours?

Something is against me.

Post 35

I'm not really here

It's a Phillips GoGear mini jukebox kind of thing. Actually, I've started liking it a little better as we've learnt how to do more things with it. Although it still only lasted around 6 hours battery life while travelling, despite it supposedly giving 18 hours. smiley - cross

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