Welcome to my life/ buenvinido a mi vida/ buenvinue a ma vie (etc.)

Thank you all for coming to see me here in my surreal little world, i'm very grateful for the company.
My name is little brox, I am english (don't let that put you off)I am a student studding A levels in Spanish, sociology and Earth & Environmental science. Having just started college, I have few friends - forcing me to spend a lot of time alone. In this spare time I cannot help but ponder the questions one has to answer in life; why stairs inside and steps outside?, when people say a cliched phrase, why do they follow it by "as they say" and who are these legendary people who say stuff?
But the things that concern me most, and always have done are the phrases:
Laughing my head off
Crying my eyes out
Is it really possible that if you laugh too much your head can actually become detached from your body, or if you cry continuously, for example, following the death of your friend; caused by loss of head through laughing, could your eyes really just pop right out?
Maybe you can ansewr these questions for me, or maybe you had never thought of it and now, you too will be plagued by these mental immages every time somone uses the phrases above.

I have to admit something to you. Please do not hate me for it. I work at Mc Donalds. And I ask ony one thing of you. Next time you go to Mc Donalds, and the no-star employee serving you makes a mistake, or isn't as speedy as they could be - go easy on them, the managers there are probably yelling at them all the time, meanwhile they're trying to serve you, concentrate on doing things in the right order and at the same time trying not to cry from hearing the coustomers go on about how stupid Mc Skum people like myself are. Most of us are working there whilst we're in college or university. Were you perfect at your job when you first started?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my world. Oh, but would you please take off your shoes by the door, you could have stood in anything out there in the galaxy. There are some very irrisponsible dog owners out there, not to mention those people who chew gum, then get fed up of it. Oh yeah, then there's those who think it's clever to break the rules of h2g2 and spit.

little brox.

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little brox

Researcher U94829


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