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Superman entry: A10607249
Lbclaire Started conversation May 8, 2006
Hi Tony,
I've been subbing your entry on Superman, and I've finished (I think!). If you want to take a look and let me know if there's anything that needs changing before I send it back to the Editors in a couple of days, it's at A10607249.
Superman entry: A10607249
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos Posted May 10, 2006
I like the bullet points in the Death of Superman bit, but seeing as you've done that I reckon it'll look nicer if you start each bullet point with the title of the Superman comics, probably re-order them Action Comics, Adventures of Superman, Superman and Superman: Man Of Steel (because it's alphabetical) too.
In a bit of a rush, come back with anything more asap.
Superman entry: A10607249
Lbclaire Posted May 12, 2006
Hi Tony,
I've made that change, so I'll get it back to the Eds now before the weekend. Thanks for your feedback.
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Superman entry: A10607249
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