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Superman Entry
U168592 Started conversation Feb 23, 2006
I'm finally getting my arse into gear with the Comic Book Heroes Project
Here's the links for the top of the Entry:
Comic Book HeroesSuperman - Comic Book Hero | | | |
And here's the links for the bottom:
Other Related Entries | | | | | | | | | |
Pop those in and it'll give it more of that official Uni feel
Looks good so far, no doubt when we've all got them developed enough PR will kick holy hell outta 'em
Silver Surfer
U168592 Posted Feb 24, 2006
Hey there. I've added some idea threads to the Comic Book Heroes Project Entry A5839509
Superman and the Silver Surfer look to be ready for some comments. Drop anything you think of onto the relevant Conversation
U168592 Posted Feb 25, 2006
Fantastic Four are part of the group now, if you add this link in between Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk in the top headr section that would be fab
U168592 Posted Mar 3, 2006
Tony,there's a great book I found that may be good for fleshing out the Superman Entry even more. It's called;
'Superman - The Complete History, The Life and Times of the Man of Steel' by Les Daniels.
U168592 Posted Mar 4, 2006
I've decided to pull the plug on the Uni Project.
It's been static and I'm losing my enthusiasm
I suggest you remove the Uni Links from the top and bottom of the Superman Entry and submit it to Peer Review as a stand alone Entry. It's been sitting on your spcae going nowhere, and I think Superman deserves a pic and what with the new movie coming out it should get some good reaction and possibly Eds Pick on the Front Page (Jimster's a sucker for superheroes )
to mess you about,
with it!
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos Posted Mar 4, 2006
You sure? That's a shame, woulda been my first University project - though I'm doing a cricket one and I'm more involved with that one I guess. I don't mind it sitting gathering dust for a while to be honest, I already have 2 articles in PR (okay, its not quite 10 but not all of us are so masterful) but if you're sure.
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Superman Entry
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