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Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 1



I just thought i'd say Hi! I'm looking for a few freinds on H2G2 and you seemed nice! Hope you don't mind me starting a conversation.

Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 2

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Heya I've been on HooToo since about March but I didn't come on here properly til about June. I've had 3 edited entries all on the front page at once (I was proud) and currently have 2 articles pending, 1 article with a sub-editor (for about 2 weeks now, humph!) and 3 articles in PR. Also I write for The Post with A Corner of Chaos, a review of whatever the hell I want. So hopefully you'll notice me about a bit but anyways - my profile is rather long but half of it isn't releveant so briefly:

I don't like many sci-fis but a fair few, especially comedies. I'm also into grotesque comedy but my biggest luv is music I think, I listen to a large blend of genres, from Eminem to Marilyn Manson but my favourite band is Queen and Pink Floyd close second. You into music much? Also are you in school/university or work? I've just joined Glasgow University so now I'm in Freshers week and its 7 o clock pm and I only just woke up half an hour ago, its kinda scary.

Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 3


Iv’e just been on Hootoo for the last few weeks. I’ve only written one article and it’s now at sub-editor stage. I’m a huge sci-fi nut but I do like other stuff – scrubs, ER, Fraiser. I worship Queen; they are my favourite band, though I like REM too!! Also the Kaiser Chiefs aren’t bad (Help me!). I’m at Uni at the moment doing History. Your right it is Kind of scary, whole new place!

Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 4

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Yeah I like Queen too, favourite band also. Had to go to the Q+PR concert even if it wasn't quite the same, turned out to be great and thankfully I already knew&liked Bad Company so it was extra good. My fave second band is Pink Floyd, who you may have heard of but never listened to - their albums often scare people as they often have 5 tracks on them, mostly over 10 minutes long per piece. Kaiser Chiefs are surprisingly good, thought they'd be one hit wonders but there album is worthwhile too.

You a fresher or you a few years in now at university?

If you put anymore entries into PR drop me a line and if I have time I'll give it a look, I know what its like to put an entry in there for it to be ignored - I've kinda given up hope now with some.

Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 5


I’ve heard of pink Floyd and even listened to a couple of there songs, they are very long. Love the Kaiser Chiefs. Hated them to start with but they’ve really grown on me! I’m a fresher, it’s all quite scary. As for the Peer review thing ta! Same goes for u to!

Hi, just thought I'd say hI!

Post 6


Gah! I totaly lost this forum.

So how are you?

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