A Northern Gooner

Well I suppose I better introduce myself.
I'm a 30 something fella living in Belfast and I would say I have 3 main loves in my life - my wife, Arsenal football team and computers.
My nickname Dagda comes from Irish Celtic mythology where Dagda was a chief leader of the race of Tuatha De Danann. I have some small interest in Celtic mythology but I certainly wouldn't claim to be an expert on it. However the characters and stories make interesting reading and can even make useful nicknames for public arenas like this! :)
I now program computers for a living but my love of computers goes back to when I was just 10 years old and owned my first computer, a 16k ZX Spectrum. I would spend hour after hour fiddling with my tape recorder to get it to load my copy of Hungry Horace and who can forget that classic game Molar Mole! Actually the welcome tape, Horizons I believe it was called had some fairly good stuff on it too.
That seems a lifetime ago now and in truth sometimes I feel jaded with todays games. Even the most complicated of games rarely holds my attention for long, maybe i'm just burnt out or maybe I just need to find that perfect game. MMO's are my latest interest and I managed to get into some interesting beta test stages for a couple the best of which i'd say is Eve Online.
Still if there is one thing that will drag me away from a computer it would be to watch football. There can be no better feeling than sitting down with a few beers to watch Arsenal swagger out on the pitch and demolish their latest terrified opponents who have already given up any hope of winning and seem more interested in getting to the end of the match so that they can swap shirts with Thierry Henry!
Ah if only I lived in London where I might actually get a chance to go to Highbury more than my usual once or twice a year.

Well I'd say thats a fair summarised introduction of myself and I hope to contribute to what certainly strikes me as a interesting forum.
Stand up for the Champions!


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Welcome Dagda! Oct 1, 2004


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Great stuff Oct 14, 2004 No Replies
Welcome Dagda! No Posting Oct 1, 2004


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